
How I Got into Games UX, and How You Can Too!

5/16 11:00 ~ 11:40 1101


對於有興趣進一步了解遊戲產業,尤其是渴望了解 UX 在遊戲開發中所扮演角色的人們,這正是為你準備的演講!Alan 將以他在遊戲產業廿多年獲得的個人經驗和教訓,說明整合的使用者體驗如何為玩家打造出引人入勝的體驗!

這場演講的終極目標,是希望參加者了解遊戲產業中 UX 可能的發展機會,以及如何在這個令人興奮的領域發展職業生涯。

你是玩家嗎? 你熱愛使用者體驗嗎? 如果是的話,這個演講就是為你而存在。

His talk is geared towards people interested in learning more about the games industry, and specifically what role UX plays in game development today. Based on personal experiences and lessons learned over 20 years in the industry, examples will be presented to illustrate how integral UX has become to crafting compelling experiences for players.

Ultimately, the hope is that people will come away with a better understanding of what opportunities there are in gaming for UX professionals and how they can pursue a career in this exciting field.

Are you a gamer? Do you love UX? Then this talk is for you!

Alan Shen

Alan Shen

Riot Games
Principal UX Designer

Alan 耕耘體驗設計逾 20 年,是產品與體驗設計的領導者。在不同消費性娛樂產業都有設計經驗(如:電玩、虛擬實境、智慧型電視),並曾於Microsoft、HP、LG、Google 等企業任職。目前在開發「英雄聯盟(League of Legneds)」的拳頭遊戲(Riot Games)公司擔任首席使用者經驗設計師一職,帶領一款全新格鬥遊戲「Project L」的玩家體驗設計。

身為資深遊戲玩家,遊戲早已成為 Alan 生活的一部分,他親身感受了遊戲如何日益地與社會、與人們的日常對話緊密地交織在一起。近年來,遊戲玩家已經從遭受孤立與排擠,轉為受到接納乃至於享譽世界。玩家的生活態度也進入主流,讓充滿遊戲熱忱的玩家能以電子競技來開展報酬豐厚的職業生涯,這樣的榮景在短短幾十年前是無法想像的。Alan 見證了遊戲設計公司如何藉由體驗設計的技能與方法,創造更豐富的玩家體驗,並持續推進科技應用的邊界,以及人們對於遊戲的想望。

雖然遊戲仍然是 Alan 的生活重心,但他仍會騰出時間鑽進其它有趣的事物中:他是一個狂熱的美食家、旅行者、3C產品成癮者、自造者和音樂愛好者。他目前也沉迷於 YouTube 上的吃播(mukbang)節目。

Alan 來自加拿大多倫多,也曾在美國西雅圖、澳洲雪梨生活過。現居美國加州舊金山灣區。

觀看 Alan 於 Game UX Summit’17 的演講: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QN3fD1_0I4o&ab_channel=UbisoftToronto

IxDA 報導: 點滿設計敏捷力,遊戲產業中的設計價值 — 專訪 Riot Games Alan Shen

Alan is a product and UX design leader with over 20 years of professional experience designing for consumer entertainment products across industries such as video games, VR, and smart TVs. He has held design leadership positions at Microsoft, HP, LG, Google, and most recently, Riot Games, creator of League of Legends, where he currently leads UX for a new game called “Project L”.

Gaming in particular has been a part of Alan’s life, for as long as he can remember. As a gamer, he has experienced first-hand how gaming experiences have become increasingly intertwined with society and everyday conversations. In recent years, gamers have emerged from being isolated and ostracized, into being celebrated and embraced. The gamer lifestyle has become mainstream, even enabling people to have lucrative careers that are driven by their gaming passions, that would have been unheard of just a few decades ago. Throughout it all, Alan has witnessed how companies have embraced UX design skillsets and methodologies, to help create richer player experiences that continue to push the boundaries of technology and expectation.

Gaming continues to take up a large portion of Alan’s life, but he does have time to find escape in other interests. He is an avid foodie, traveller, gadget addict, maker, and music lover. He is currently addicted to “mukbang” shows on YouTube.

Alan is originally from Toronto, Canada, but has lived in Seattle, USA and Sydney, Australia for extended periods of time. He currently resides in the San Francisco Bay Area of California, USA.

Prior Presentations in Game UX Summit ’17: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QN3fD1_0I4o&ab_channel=UbisoftToronto